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The skin of the legs with diabetic angiopathy is pale, cold. The amount of hair on the legs is reduced, or they are completely absent. On the feet there are areas of compaction, corns, there may be trophic ulcers. development of diabetic angiopathy.
  • Diagnosis of diabetic angiopathy. If you are diabetic and have symptoms of minoxidil online leg angiopathy, you should contact your doctor. He will do the following research. Treatment of diabetic angiopathy of the lower extremities. Treatment of diabetic angiopathy should begin with the normalization of blood glucose levels. Even the best drugs and the most high-tech operations will not change the state of the vessels if diabetes is not compensated.
  • It is necessary to carefully follow a diet, exercise, regularly monitor blood glucose levels, and take prescribed medications. Try to keep your glycated hemoglobin below 7.5%. Do not refuse to buy minoxidil solution insulin therapy if your doctor says it is necessary.
  • An important point is the control of cholesterol levels in the blood. With its decrease, the process of atherosclerotic plaque formation is inhibited, the blood thins, and the likelihood of thrombosis decreases. All this improves blood flow in the affected vessels. Don't smoke, and if you do, quit! Smoking causes an acceleration in the development of atherosclerosis, constricts blood vessels, reducing the already weak blood flow in them. Treatment of vascular lesions themselves is conservative and operative.
  • The conservative treatment of diabetic angiopathy of the lower extremities includes the appointment of mintop drugs. The main ones. Prostaglandin E preparations. They have the ability to dilate blood vessels, protect their walls from damage, and reduce the formation of blood clots. Anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents thin the blood, reduce the number of blood clots in the vessels, facilitating the supply of oxygen to the tissues. Should be prescribed under the supervision of an ophthalmologist, as they can cause hemorrhage in the fundus. Cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins, fibrates) must be prescribed to all patients suffering from diabetic angiopathy of the legs.
  • There are other groups of drugs that affect blood vessels. However, it has been proven that actovegin, pentoxifylline, no-shpa in diabetic angiopathy of the legs are ineffective and useless, as well as treatment with traditional medicine. Vascular surgery is the most modern method of treating diabetic angiopathy of the legs. However, it is not possible to perform them in every case, since diabetes mellitus affects large areas of blood vessels, their collaterals, and the vessels themselves are quite small.

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Processing of the affected tissues is carried out in the office of the diabetic foot, if there is a trophic ulcer or corns. In more serious situations, with the development of gangrene, amputation of the affected area is performed. Remember that with timely seeking medical help, as well as following the recommendations of your doctor, you can maintain healthy legs and a decent quality of life! What is diabetic angiopathy, why it occurs and how it is treated.

The following interventions are carried out. The main cause of any complications of diabetes mellitus is the detrimental effect of glucose on body tissues, especially nerve fibers and vascular walls. Damage to the vascular network, diabetic angiopathy, is determined in 90% of diabetics already 15 years after the onset of the disease.

In severe stages, the case ends with disability due to amputations, organ loss, blindness. Unfortunately, even the best doctors can only slightly slow down the progression of angiopathy. Only the patient himself can prevent the complications of diabetes mellitus. This will require an iron will and an understanding of the processes occurring in the body of a diabetic. What is the essence of angiopathy.

It is important to know! A novelty recommended by endocrinologists for permanent control of Diabetes! All you need is every day. The inner wall of the vessels is in direct contact with the blood. It is endothelial cells that cover the entire surface in one layer. The endothelium contains inflammatory mediators and proteins that promote or prevent blood clotting. It also works as a barrier - it allows water to pass through, molecules smaller than 3 nm, selectively other substances. This process ensures the supply of water and nutrition to buy mintop online, cleansing them from metabolic products.